Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
SanChonino's Articles In US Domestic
February 7, 2006 by SanChonino
Here in the "great" state of Utah, we have a "problem" with illegal immigration. Or so the usual writers to the opinion pages of the local papers would have us believe. They make it sound as though our very way of life, our world, is coming to an end because of all this immigration. We have a strong contingent of the border "Minutemen" here in the state, and they are very vocal. They constantly exclaim that we must cast out all our illegal neighbors and unify (read: homogenize) our state...
August 25, 2006 by SanChonino
"My daughter and I have a healthy close relationship," a person with the screen name of Sonali posted. "We have been in a 'consensual sexual relationship' almost two months now." The daughter, Sonali wrote, is 10. "Every human being, no matter the age, should be allowed to have consenting mutual sexual relations with anyone they wish," wrote a man calling himself Venn. "All age of consent laws must, and forever, be abolished." "Anti-pedophiles are NOT about protecting children," ...
May 10, 2007 by SanChonino
"As for the one Mormon running for office, those that really believe in God will defeat him anyway, so don't worry about that. That's a temporary situation." Very cute, Reverend Sharpton. Saying that, as a Mormon, Mitt Romney doesn't believe in God, and that God will somehow defeat him. No, that's not bigoted at all. Al Sharpton, who has fought so "hard" to defeat bigotry and discrimination - one of the strongest supporters of the ousting of Don Imus for his "racist" comments (nev...
March 16, 2007 by SanChonino
There's been a lot of talk lately in my state about he children born to illegal immigrants here in the US. Specifically, people have been asking what should be done about these now-citizen children. So, JU, here's my question. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing, and I'd like to see some active debate about it. What do you do with these infant citizens? Do we stop making them citizens to discourage illegal immigration? If we take away instant citizenship at birth, what, th...
January 17, 2007 by SanChonino
SALT LAKE CITY – Governor John Huntsman, Jr., offered his “State of the State” address last night. Many people assumed that he would be speaking on many of the so-called “flavor of the month” issues – things of little or no consequence that the Utah Legislature just loves to spend their time and efforts on. However, rather than waste time on unimportant issues, he moved right to the heart of things, for which I applaud him. Currently, the State of Utah has a budget surplus of about...
November 6, 2006 by SanChonino
I don't know how familiar any of you are with the political spectrum (or lack or spectrum) in the "great" state of Utah, so I'll enlighten prior to my diatribe . . . Utah is a very - probably the most - Republican state in the union. With the exception of the second district, all of our elected officials are Republicans. (And the Democrat in the second district, Jim Matheson, is as conservative as Democrats can be . . .) We have two Republican senators, and two Republican congressmen. ...
March 14, 2008 by SanChonino
Okay, I need something besides Spain stories on my 'blag', or I'm gonna lose all my referrals.  (Thanks to those that continue to come around and read those - wait until you read my next entry, about what happened last night at the Dixieland concert. ) So I bring you new Bushisms, for enjoyment of all.  Well, for the enjoyment of me. -- "In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about - well, never mind." -- Third presidential de...
February 25, 2008 by SanChonino
All right, kiddies.  Time for a break from regaling you with tales from Spain, and back to the mire with more President Bush quotes!  (Don't worry, my faithful Spain-tales readers - yeah, all two of you - they'll be back later today with a very, very juicy episode.  Yay yay yay.) ------------------- "The senator has got to understand if he's going to have - he can't have it both ways.  He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road." --About Senator Jo...
January 15, 2008 by SanChonino
(I can't believe this is my 201st article. No one read my 200th, which I thought was funny (except you, Maso. You're cool) but here's another funny one. Better get more comments, dammit.) Most of what I got for Christmas was not a surprise - they were either things I had asked for or obvious gifts. However, Mom gave me one present that was the funniest, most pleasant surprise of the whole morning (with the exception of BlueDev's purchase of Object Dock + for me - yay for tabbed docks...
June 21, 2007 by SanChonino
Oh, people are so excited to proclaim that the president has an approval rating of 29%. (Who am I kidding? I'm in the 71%. I don't approve of how almost anything has been handled by this administration.) But what people seem to be ignoring is that congress currently has an approval rating of 23-29%, depending on the source. I was one of the few who had high hopes with the regime change in early 2007. I hoped, maybe we'll be able to finally make a difference now that someone else ...
June 21, 2007 by SanChonino
Once again, President Bush has vetoed a bill regarding funding for stem cell research, calling the research "unethical". I've gotten into this before on this site, and I still don't understand President Bush's position. These stem cells are going to be flushed down the toilet . Put them to good use. I already know the reaction I'm going to get from the majority of the people on this site - "why should federal funding go to any research, regardless of how it's funded?" My answer?...