Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
SanChonino's Articles » Page 15
January 31, 2007 by SanChonino
Everyone's here. Everyone's waiting. Everyone's longing to get a bite, get a bite. I stand in fear, Full of my loathing. Everyone's aching to get a bite, get a bite . . . I feel their fetid claws; They tear, they rip, they scrape; Eviscerating me - I'm trapped without escape. Everyone's here, Picking and pulling. Everyone's dying to take a bite, take a bite. I cry in pain, Pleading for darkness. Everyone's begging to take a bite, take a bite . . . I feel their fetid claw...
January 31, 2007 by SanChonino
I stumbled upon this website this morning, Love God's Way . Now, I'm not one to get mad at Christian fundamentalists who put up websites to promote their message, but this one specifically made me laugh. These people are super-anti-gay. I mean, super. Want proof? The "minister" of this "church" has a "band" (all of these hypothetical statements). Their best song is a little ditty they call "God Hates Fags". (You want to see the video of this atrocity? Check it out here .) What ...
January 29, 2007 by SanChonino
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
January 29, 2007 by SanChonino
Venid, y no temáis; aquí, tendréis paz. El cielo azul os protege, Lleno de nubes, viento, pájaros, recuerdos pasados del sol. Venid; Las nubes se llenan de agua, Agua que cae, besa los labios dulces y, con tiempo, nutre la tierra. Venid; Los pájaros volan en el viento blanco, Gaviotas gritan, la brisa os mueve – titubean las flores. Venid; Aquí, cada uno crece bien; Cada pesadillo desaparece; Cada dolor se olvida en el viento; Cada recuerdo muere en la luz del cielo azul. ...
January 29, 2007 by SanChonino
So . . . I'm sitting there in my Women's Studies class the other day (The Rise (and fall ) of Modern Feminism) and talking to one of the girls in the class. She's a really cool girl; one of these days I'll have to ask her out. (And me meeting really cool girls seems to be a problem lately – all the cool ones are not available, and all the available ones are not cool.) At any rate, there I was, sitting next to this girl (we'll call her Nina for our purposes here . . . mostly because th...
January 26, 2007 by SanChonino
This is an odd article to write, seeing as how my last article was a gripe about cell phone users. But, I wanted to share my advice and my insights into my new phone, which it's likely none of you all have ever seen. It's only sold in Europe, after all . . . Since I signed up for my service, I've been using the free phone I received. It was the Nokia 3220, one of the more popular phones that were free give-out ones. And it's treated me very well; it's been a solid piece of machinery. ...
January 26, 2007 by SanChonino
I almost died three times yesterday in a fifteen minute period. Seriously, my life flashed before my eyes thrice, as I saw my short 23 years coming to an end. (It wasn't that interesting and not nearly long enough, but that's a discussion for another article.) I saw cars running amok across four lanes, cutting off, clipping bumpers, and just generally driving like asswipes. Why? Cell phones. The roads were very, very nice; conditions were awesome; the sun was shining, the birds ...
January 24, 2007 by SanChonino
My face hurts. No, really, it does. I've got five little cuts, all lined up like the soldiers in front of freaking Buckingham Palace, gracing the running edge of my chin. What was the culprit? My razor. Now, I haven't cut myself with a razor since I was sixteen. I'm a good shaver, and my face can take a lot of pain. I don't take my time shaving, nor am I a very cautious shaver. But I do know the cardinal rule of shaving if you don't want to cut the crap out of yourself - you don...
January 24, 2007 by SanChonino
. . . the added sense of "panache" that seems to come with them!
January 18, 2007 by SanChonino
Lately I've been having troubles getting my articles read. I've tried to write about a variety of subjects, everything from music , to poetry . I even (knowing the political makeup and leanings of much of the site) decided to write on politics . All to no avail. I've must be boring lately, or I must be picking lame subjects, or something else I don't know. Maybe I need to prop up my articles with salacious titles involving bodily functions, or should thinly-veil them as flames. ...
January 17, 2007 by SanChonino
SALT LAKE CITY – Governor John Huntsman, Jr., offered his “State of the State” address last night. Many people assumed that he would be speaking on many of the so-called “flavor of the month” issues – things of little or no consequence that the Utah Legislature just loves to spend their time and efforts on. However, rather than waste time on unimportant issues, he moved right to the heart of things, for which I applaud him. Currently, the State of Utah has a budget surplus of about...
January 15, 2007 by SanChonino
Imposing edifices rise . . . The ground around me starts to crack The grass erupts in waves of earth The tarmacadam shimmers, black These buildings 'round me reach so high They seem to kiss the very sun They rattle loudly in the wind They shive, shake, they come undone The glass at once begins to fall These shards, obsidian and blue I dart from side to side in fear They're separating me from you The jaws of hell gape open wide They move to st...
January 15, 2007 by SanChonino
Leaves of azure brush my lips Clock is ticking back the time Flakes of ashes cover me Reason wavers through the rhyme Luminescence frightens me I feel safer in the dark First my skin begins to sting This pain leaves its wicked mark First the light devours my eyes It burns deep into my soul My heart palpitates again I'm consumed, I'm burning whole I've become a phantom, flayed Like a creature in the light Darkness dissipates, divides In the face of failing night Will y...
January 8, 2007 by SanChonino
Dear Admin.: I love this site. I really do. And I'm not a points-oriented individual. But . . . my points haven't changed in days, even though I've been actively posting and even posted a new article. I don't know if that's some sort of glitch in the system or something . . . but it's just a little thing, no big deal. But . . . when you get around to it (I know you have much more pressing things to do with your time, like ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY for Stardock instead of play around with us...
January 8, 2007 by SanChonino
Wrap your ever-lovin' heads around this here scenario. A cold night, October 2005. (Man, that feels like forever ago.) This was a much different San Chonino – I still wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do with my life, hadn't discovered the beauty that is Spanish literature (a love that would eventually dictate my current plans for the rest of my life). It was my first semester back at school after a two-and-a-half year break. Two years to serve as a missionary for my church ( The ...