For those who wanted to know. -- 20 May 2008. 10:47pm. About ten-thirty in the morning, my phone rings. Now, this is not a normal occurrence; while I text quite often, I can count on one hand the amount of calls I've received. I pick it up, reading that Carolina is calling. Bemused, I answer with the expected greeting. She's in a tizzy; it's hard to make out what she's saying. Finally she calms down enough to tell me that last night her grandmother...
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Well, since it seems to be all the rage to write a “resolutions” blog this time of year, I said to myself, Self? You's a pretty decent chap, you oughts to make-a yourself a list o' them so-called resolutions . . . just for gicks and kiggles. Consequently, myself answered back, Well, there, you, that's quite the idear . . . you should DO it! So I did. Without further ado . . . or adieu . . . or poo-hoos . . . here's-a my list. 1.Play music at a higher level, thereby annoying tho...
I was thinking I might have escaped the whole "5 most embarrasing moments" thing. But as I was reading Island Gurl's blog (I've been out of town, of course) I saw that she'd tagged me. So here goes. 1. The one and only time I went commando at school I was like in eighth grade. (For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it's going without any undies. For everyone who is, this is your formal "Mr. Obvious" apology.) I'd gone to the bathroom, and I came out and I'd FORGOTTEN TO ZIP MY...
Hey everyone! I'm back from a long trip out to NC to help BlueDev with the move to New Hampshire! And what an adventure it was. I'll post some of the photos I took as soon as I get around to it . . . (wow, that's really promising). But it was really fun, and a lot of work. Our half-day in DC was sure exciting, though. That's where all the pics are from, and mostly all in the Air and Space museum. (What can I say? We're geeks. We know where our interest lies.) But driving a twenty-fo...
As requested, I finally figured out how to post pictures of the Lloyd's super boner. This is the back end of the top of the cab – the large black is the back window. What a mess. I felt so bad for the guy. It was really expensive truck – and while this is a simple process of replacing the panel, they're going to have to remove the bed, remove the back window, and THEN they'll be able to do it. By the way . . . I am feeling all better. The head has recovered nicely.
Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted anything on here . . . I blame all the downtime. This is a true story, by the way. Just so that you know. It's the day before Mother's Day; it's the busiest day of the year for a nursery. I had been up front, getting people checked out and into their cars most of the morning, covering for Albert, who'd taken the day off to go to his granddaughter's wedding. Tim had been back on the tractor, scooping and dumping for all the people needing the...