Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
SanChonino's Articles In Poetry
April 2, 2006 by SanChonino
Last night I was pensive. I thought a lot about my relationship with God, and how I've felt his hand in my life. This week has been a rollercoaster of emotion, but I'm finally back to normal - business as usual. SC is kickin' still. But after all this thought, I was browsing the internet and stumbled upon one of my poems I had written back in 2002, had posted on an old blogger site, and hadn't thought of since. But for some reason, it struck a chord, and I thought I'd share it. The sk...
August 23, 2006 by SanChonino
I look across the verdant field The sky, completely overcast It seems to mirror perfectly The way I used to feel Tumultuous, twisted painfully The thoughts of just what could have been The memory of your lovely face Is all I've left that's real The lightning comes, it strikes the ground And throws its sparks across the field The grass, once green, now coppers from The licking, burnin...
September 4, 2006 by SanChonino
Si hubiera decidido escaparme de tu amor Yo pudiera recibido un montón menos dolor Puedo ver las golondrinas, el rocío y el sol Si acaso tú me hablas, cerraré mi corazón Porque me cansan tus miradas . . . llego harto de este son Puedo ver las golondrinas, el rocío y el sol Siento ciego en la niebla de esta tonta confusión El claro cielo me fascina - ya he perdido la razón ¡Qué perdición! Puedo ver las golondrinas, el rocío y el sol © 2006 Braeden Jones
September 6, 2006 by SanChonino
Mist If I had decided to escape your twisted love I could've avoided a lot of this pain I can see the sparrows, the dew, and the sun! If you speak to me, I will shut you out of my heart Because I'm tired of those looks you give me; I'm fed up with the sound of your voice I can see the sparrows, the dew, and the sun! I feel blinded by the mist of confusion I'm fascinated by the clear sky - I've lost all reasoning! Dammit! I can see the sparrows, the dew, and the sun! -...
September 15, 2006 by SanChonino
Writhing, twisting, contorted and pretzeled accordioned into my pigeonhole. Once upon a time I was a man - now I'm a hollow shell, a quiet memory of "what's-his-name" and "who's his face" - I changed to try and find myself but lost my identity. I fit the mold (my pigeonhole) because, in the end, I'm not present - only remembered. © 2006 Braeden Jones
October 15, 2006 by SanChonino
The thunder cracks, the rain descends The gulls conspire across the wind This savage strength can make me cringe My neck-hairs start to stand on end I squint my eyes against the flash The lightning sears the woods in white Yet just as quickly night returns My florid fear begins to grow Until I look at you Until I see your face Until I realize That you are by my side For I know that you are everything We run and frolick in the cold We laugh our dangers in the face We rev...
January 15, 2007 by SanChonino
Leaves of azure brush my lips Clock is ticking back the time Flakes of ashes cover me Reason wavers through the rhyme Luminescence frightens me I feel safer in the dark First my skin begins to sting This pain leaves its wicked mark First the light devours my eyes It burns deep into my soul My heart palpitates again I'm consumed, I'm burning whole I've become a phantom, flayed Like a creature in the light Darkness dissipates, divides In the face of failing night Will y...
January 29, 2007 by SanChonino
Venid, y no temáis; aquí, tendréis paz. El cielo azul os protege, Lleno de nubes, viento, pájaros, recuerdos pasados del sol. Venid; Las nubes se llenan de agua, Agua que cae, besa los labios dulces y, con tiempo, nutre la tierra. Venid; Los pájaros volan en el viento blanco, Gaviotas gritan, la brisa os mueve – titubean las flores. Venid; Aquí, cada uno crece bien; Cada pesadillo desaparece; Cada dolor se olvida en el viento; Cada recuerdo muere en la luz del cielo azul. ...
January 15, 2007 by SanChonino
Imposing edifices rise . . . The ground around me starts to crack The grass erupts in waves of earth The tarmacadam shimmers, black These buildings 'round me reach so high They seem to kiss the very sun They rattle loudly in the wind They shive, shake, they come undone The glass at once begins to fall These shards, obsidian and blue I dart from side to side in fear They're separating me from you The jaws of hell gape open wide They move to st...
February 11, 2007 by SanChonino
Maravillo en la arquitectura de tu cuello; el color rojizo de tus mejillas; la linea fina de tu mandíbula. Asombro me dan tus ojos; me penetran como dardos en el torbellino, me cortan, me hacen sangrar. Te quiero aquí en mis brazos, para amarte, para mostrarte que te quiero. (aquí) (en mis brazos) Tus manos, como telarañas, me captan; tus muslos me fascinan; tus pies, aunque a veces apestan, son perfectos; dedos largos, uñas pintadas. Me ofreces todo - y todo lo tomo. Hace a...
March 8, 2007 by SanChonino
There’s something magical in the way your shoulder blades move, sinewy muscles pulling, tightening, loosening, moving with all the grace befitting a goddess. The metallic shine of the clumsy chain about your neck, the few freckles that dot your back, constellations of an unfulfilled desire, begging for a game of connect-the-dots. The sharp, inviting angles of your shoulders, the simple strap of your shirt breaking the beautiful monotony of your flawless skin, the deep red cutting ac...
April 30, 2007 by SanChonino
La soledad me llena - corre por mis rincones, llega hasta lo más profundo de mi corazón roto, Mi alma estalla, reventa en una angustia purpúrea, una angustia que mezcla con la soledad sofocante en un mole de dolor. Las lágrimas no sirven; estos ojos, tan vacíos y secos, jamás sentirán esta lluvia, este descanso. ¿Jamás? Jamás es miles de años, milenios inumerables, eones y épocas sin contar. Ahora, siento un «jamás» . . . pero mañana viene el sol otra vez. Sé que la so...
May 7, 2007 by SanChonino
My eyes seem trapped in the swirling, spinning vortexes - captured by the smooth curving lines, alternating dark and light, hidden messages in a visual braille - virtual Morse code - evoking images of songs unsung. The curling pictures, cutting through the dark red rosewood, begging the caress of my worn, tired hands. I feel the stiff grain of the sitka, slowly absorbing the finish, shining through in a paradoxically dull light. My hands move. The callouses cry out in agony a...
June 9, 2007 by SanChonino
This haiku is written in shorter traditional form, eschewing the 5-7-5 scheme in favor of a 3-5-3 scheme. Carnations: Shifting pinks, blues, greens, noise erupts. (I don't expect anyone to get the reference in this except for BlueDev. And he doesn't usually do the poetry thing, so there.)
June 10, 2007 by SanChonino
Darkened alleyways, Sweat, garbage, blinking street lights. Night in the city.