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The Suck!™
Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
Warning! These bands will make you GAY
or; fundies just out to save me . . .
Published on January 31, 2007 By
I stumbled upon this website this morning,
Love God's Way
. Now, I'm not one to get mad at Christian fundamentalists who put up websites to promote their message, but this one specifically made me laugh.
These people are super-anti-gay. I mean, super. Want proof? The "minister" of this "church" has a "band" (all of these hypothetical statements). Their best song is a little ditty they call "God Hates Fags". (You want to see the video of this atrocity? Check it out
What the hell? You call this a ministry? You call this "Love God's Way"? What happened to "love the sinner, hate the sin"? From them, I'm getting more of a "hate the sinner, wish I could perform the sin".
I thought this was a joke. I really don't anymore. They seem dead-frakking serious about this. From their own mission statement:
Quite simply, it has become apparent that the Moral Majority has crumbled and lost the Way. If not obvious in the Corruption and Scandal in our Republican party, then one does not have to turn far to see the Abuses and Indiscretions espoused by our church leaders. Join Us in or efforts to rebuild the Moral Majority.
And if just spreading their message of hate isn't enough, they've got a hefty list of "Gay Bands" and "Safe Bands". Wanna see some of the winners of the "Gay Bands" Award? (Keep in mind, this is nowhere near all the list, just some of them that stuck out to me.)
The Grateful Dead
The Doors
Judas Priest
The Rolling Stones
David Bowie
Depeche Mode
John Mayer
Barry Manilow
The Killers
Frank Sinatra
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Panic at the Disco
What the HELL?!?!? Barry Manilow will make you gay? Nirvana will make you gay? SINATRA will make you gay? Get a life, you fag-haters. Wanna see some of the "Safe Bands"? (This list is much, much shorter.)
Dresden Dolls
Cyndi Lauper
Falling Up
By The Tree
Scott Reed
Michael W. Smith
Jars of Clay
DC Talk
I take it back. That's the WHOLE. DAMN. LIST. Wow, what choices.
My message for the "Love God's Way" minister? You suck. As a person, and as a singer. Your music sucks ass. I'd rather pluck my eyeballs out with a STRAW than listen you your rancid hate.
Go to hell. I'm sure you'll hang out with all your "Gay Bands" down there.
Don't diss my Bjork. I love that crazy lil' chick.
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Comments (Page 1)
4 Pages
on Jan 31, 2007
Don't diss my Bjork.
I love my Bjork.
Sean Conners aka SConn1
on Jan 31, 2007
wow...the funny thing i see is that this might be the 1st time my favorite band of all time (grateful dead) is on the same list as my wife's favorite artist (barry mannilow) . lol...and neither of us are gay, lol.
i used to see alot of stuff out on the road with the dead,,,the 1 thing i never saw was gayness, lol.
and i didn't notice a lot of gay people atthe mannilow concerts i've endured,,,mostly just butt ugly people. lol
cindi lauper on the straight list? c'mon! i'm bettin (not from experience) that "girls just wanna have fun" is played regularly at gay dance clubs....and i'm wondering how many gay couples have "true colors" as "their song?"
and i'd like to see these guys tell some mafia guys to their face that sinatra will make em gay, lmao!
Sally jacobs
on Jan 31, 2007
Wow...I must be a lesbian and didn't even realise...
Shhhh.....Shhhhh It's all soooo quiet....
on Jan 31, 2007
The sad thing is that there are parents out there who are determining what their kids can listen to based on this list.
Sean Conners aka SConn1
on Jan 31, 2007
i wonder if the fundies are aware that evanescence covers nirvana's heart shaped box, lol
on Jan 31, 2007
It is really sad when "so-called Christians" are totally out of touch. Then again, the KKK was full of preachers and pastors and they gleefully took part in the hate campaigns.
on Jan 31, 2007
I must be a lesbian and didn't even realise...
Maybe you're a gay man trapped in a woman's body, lol
on Jan 31, 2007
wow...the funny thing i see is that this might be the 1st time my favorite band of all time (grateful dead) is on the same list as my wife's favorite artist (barry mannilow) . lol...and neither of us are gay, lol.
Interesting juxtaposition, huh? And Metallica. And Bowie! And Judas Priest! And my damn Björk! Don't mess with my Björk!
Ridiculous kiddies.
on Jan 31, 2007
The sad thing is that there are parents out there who are determining what their kids can listen to based on this list.
Sad for those kids, funny for us.
on Jan 31, 2007
The Doors
Queen - Try finding a Brit who doesn't like Queen - hey, they must all be...
Metallica - old shtuff only
Judas Priest - Breakin' the law!
David Bowie
Depeche Mode - If I was gay, I'd hunt these guys down to show 'em a little appreciation for all their amazing music
The Killers
Frank Sinatra - ...'cause I did it myyyyyy wayyyyyyy.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the bridge, not in the closet.
These performers from the 'gay list' make up part of my all time fav.'s list. Not one on the short list does. God these people are dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
Now where's that article I wrote about my hatred for Country Music and how it turns normal people into raving idiots.....
on Jan 31, 2007
Now where's that article I wrote about my hatred for Country Music and how it turns normal people into raving idiots.....
Find it, link it, I wanna read it . . .
on Jan 31, 2007
This is incredibly stupid.
First, let me say this...I consider myself "fundamentally" Christian in that I believe what the Bible says, no holds barred. I don't believe that it needs interpretation by me or anyone smarter than me. I believe that God, being who He is, has preserved what He wants it to say so that when I read what it says today, it means what it says and says what it means, and I believe it's relavant for living in the now.
Second, being a "fundie"...I listen to music from bands on both lists. Do I think I'm going to hell or that it's going to make me gay? Uhhh...no. If anything I think it makes me a better Christian because it gives me a connection to the real freakin world. Plus, I like it. It's real life.
No offense, but I think that some Christians tend to live with their heads under a rock because they think the evil real world will kill them. And it might, but that's a risk I think God wants us to take. If we want to reach the world, we need to be living a Christian life out in it. And we need to know about the real world, people. Even GAY people *gasp*.
So...gag me. *Turns up the Stones*
on Jan 31, 2007
To be 100% fair, I do feel my testosterone drop when I listen to Barry Manilow or Panic! at the Disco. I guess it depends on what you call "gay". In the 14 year-old, "That's so gay" definition, well, yeah, they're gay. But come on, " Ravi Shankar"??? That guy's seed produced Norah Jones. Male heterosexuality owes the man a lot for that.
It's a load of crap. To me it looks like the guilty dog barking, frankly. He keeps singing "Help me fight these feelings" with a really, well, gay look on his face and it makes me believe this guy has a lot to overcome. I have a little reading technique where I ask myself what this person's point is saying about THEM.
Obviously, this guy is saying over and over "God loves me" and that he's not gay. At the same time he's saying "help me fight these feelings" over and over. Methinks the guilty dog barks. Maybe he can get in touch with old Ted Haggard and they can, *cough*, work on this problem together. He'd have to bring some pills, though.
on Jan 31, 2007
Methinks the guilty dog barks.
These were my thoughts exactly.
He keeps singing "Help me fight these feelings" with a really, well, gay look on his face and it makes me believe this guy has a lot to overcome. I have a little reading technique where I ask myself what this person's point is saying about THEM.
Hyperborean Wanderer
on Jan 31, 2007
The Rolling Stones?!?
You gotta be kidding.
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