I was bored this evening, and pulled out my copy of the first season of Gilmore Girls . Man, I love that show. I've missed Lorelai and Rory. It's good to see them again. And I forgot just how much I have the hots for Alexis Bledel. (Not necessarily first season Rory, but I maintain.) I mean, I really have the hots for Alexis Bledel. It's those eyes, man. She's got such bright, glowing, penetrating blue eyes. I'm so in love, and I miss my show. Thank you, TV on DVD...
I'm watching the last ever episode of Gilmore Girls. Bye, Lauren Graham. I'll miss you.
I just found out from Locamama's article that Gilmore Girls has, in fact, been canceled. I was hoping for one more season, even if that meant that Rory was gone. I could've survived without Rory, if they focused on the Lorelai - Emily relationship. This depresses me. It's one of the two shows that I watch. I don't watch anything else, really - just Supernatural (a great, great, show, for those of you who haven't seen it - you CSI fans, I'm talking to you. when CSI is in re...
I sat reading SHE's article once again this morning, (you can read it here ) and I thought of another question that would be a good one. I was going to write it on her article, but then I thought, "I'd like to see what people say about it." So my question is this . . . what's your "guilty pleasure" TV show? I know you've got to have one. Some soap opera like "Passions"? Some reality show like "Top Model"? Some silly crime show like "CSI" or one of its myriad clones? Fess up, it'...
Yes, it's that time again, children. Time for us to offer up our whole souls to our God again . . . yes, it's time for Barbara Walters' TV special, “The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2006”! Yes, that's right, everybody – bow down and adulate to your God, CELEBRITY, and make sure you worship well! [/sarcasm] Let's look at our list of the “Most Fascinating People” this year, and analyze why they're fascinating: Andre Agassi: Wow, a mostly-washed-up tennis player who's finally real...
Yesterday, as I sat down to do a chat for my online spanish course, I realized that it would be infinitely easy to watch TV while I do it. So I sat down about seven pm with my computer on my lap, and flicked on the boob tube. I channel surfed for a second, eventually ending up on the local ABC affiliate. I was starting at America Ferrera, with a faceful of braces and a painfully garish outfit, and realized I'd stumbled onto a gem. It was the series premiere of “Ugly Betty”, an american ...
It's a real shame that tripe like "Will and Grace" lasted for as long as it has. Or shows like "That 70's Show" (which was funny for its first couple of seasons, but I just don't find humorous at all anymore) and "Yes, Dear" survive for as long as they do, and "Arrested Development" only lasted two and a half seaons. Like a shooting star, "Arrested Development" has left us, but thank goodness for DVDs. I don't know how many of you were able to get into the show, but I have found it to ...