Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
or; the Bible itself teaches us as much.
Published on December 31, 2007 By SanChonino In Religion
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Thess. 2:3

This is one of the best-known verses in the Bible to support the idea of the coming of the Antichrist, set to come shortly before the second coming of the big guy himself. Much speculation has been made by alarmists as to who this man may be (with people asserting that it may be Prince Chucky of Wales or Georgie Porgie Puddin'n'Bush), but this morning the heavens opened, the huge, crowned head of god came forth from the clouds (it was very Monty Python), and he pronounced to me who the Antichrist was.

The conversation went something like this:

ME: Holy crap! Who are you?

GOD: It's me, stupid. God. The big guy. Your real boss.

ME (Channeling Bill Cosby): . . . Riiiight.

GOD: As if I haven't heard that joke a million times. Very funny, son. Not.

ME: Sorry, dad.

GOD: Should be, punk kid. Anyway, the reason I came here today was to --

ME (Interrupting): Tell me to seek the Holy Grail? It's a myth, or maybe it's a hot woman like Audrey Toutou in that movie.

GOD: Seriously, boy, you're cruisin' for a lightning bolt to the head. What's that metal rod coming out of your head there?

ME: Sorry, man. I'll stop bugging you. Shoot.

GOD: At any rate, I'm just here to tell you that the Antichrist has made himself known, and I wanted to warn you.

ME: Ooh, who? I feel so lucky to be privileged to receive such info. Lemme guess – Britney Spears.

GOD: Close, but no cigar. It's . . . Bum Bum Bum (yes, He made “bum bum bum”s with his mouth) . . . MIKE HUCKABEE!

ME: Double freakin' holy crap! I'd better get this info out there.

GOD (Sarcastically): Yeah, that'll be great. Post it on your blog or something.

So that's how it went down. God told me through the clouds this fine morning that Mike Huckabee, for all his posturing as a “Christian” candidate, is in fact the Antichrist. Hee hee hee.

But not being content simply with God telling me as much, I decided to weigh in the facts. Let's see an in-depth biblical analysis of Huckabee's Anti-Christian identity. So I turned to “Bible Universe”, some gay website who had a whole page devoted to it. Let's break it down, point by excruciating point that they go over (my analysis of their points in italics):

The Antichrist is revealed before the second coming of Jesus. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) Well, Jesus ain't showed up yet, so that's good to go.

The Antichrist has a visible leader. (Acts 20:30; 2 Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 7:8) Mike Huckabee has the support of all those “Christian” televangelists. That's pretty much built-in psychotic leadership.

The Antichrist comes from within the church. (Acts 20:30; 2 Thessalonians 2:4) Southern Baptist minister, anyone?

and then takes up residence in the church (2 Thessalonians 2:4) I repeat, Southern Baptist minister . . .

The Antichrist rules for a long period of time. (Revelation 13:5, 12:6, 12:14; Daniel 7:25) He certainly will if we elect him.

The Antichrist receives its power from the Devil. (Revelation 13:2; Revelation 12:9) How else would you classify his meteoric rise to power?

The Antichrist blasphemes God. (Revelation 13:5-6; Daniel 7:8,20,25) Well, his own bigoted behavior blasphemes rather mightily.

The Antichrist tries to change God's law. (Daniel 7:25) By pardoning convicted criminals, perhaps?

The Antichrist persecutes the people who keep God's law. (Revelation 13:2, 12:17, 14:12; Daniel 7:21) Look at how he (and others in his “denomination”) treat fellow believers.

All the other sections deal with things after the Antichrist is in charge (which, thank heavens, Huckabee ain't yet). So now we know what we must do – we must rise up in revolt against this potential Antichrist and opponent of the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS! Iowa, it's all on you. Don't start us off on the wrong foot and blow it here, you retards.

Don't blow it. Or you deserve your Antichrist.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 01, 2008
Cedarbird, hi, glad to finally meet you. Glad you got my joke on the ratings....or did you?

Also, great commentary on politics. I'm glad you're thinking is rational. Please tell me, if I actually were to vote for Huckabee, how my life would be degraded, not just personally but also on a global really, I'm actually curious in this.

After you make yourself look stupid go back to your school work, and don't get your panties in a bunch when I pick on you brother.

on Jan 01, 2008
And why do you disagree with every military advisor and 3 letter orgs in this country?

Not every military adviser, Wallace. And did it occur to you that the military NEEDS wars so it can stay in business? Granted, that's a little overly cynical, but there's enough truth in it to think about.

And, more to the point, a President does not run the country without assistance. Even the most hardline president gets moderated somewhat by the legislature and his advisors.

Mitt had a revelation and has changed

OK, "Mitt had a revelation and changed", but when a liberal candidate does it it's flip flopping.

Paul is the ONLY candidate on either side with the CONSTITUTIONAL perspective on the matter; that is, that the issue belongs to the states. Anything Huckabee would pass short of an amendment will get thrown out by the courts, and Romney's so good at flip flopping I think we can count on him being back on the prochoice fence once he's safe in the Oval Office.

My point, though, is your statement that he will NEVER get your vote. That says to me that you would rather let Hillary Clinton occupy the office than Ron Paul. And that's what concerns me, frankly.

I have no vote in the Republican primaries; you don't need to worry about me. But while I am a staunch Libertarian, I will probably throw my support to the Republican candidate because I feel there are too many important issues at stake. And if Clinton or Edwards wins the DNC nomination, I will DEFINITELY vote Republican in November, regardless of WHO wins the GOP nod.
on Jan 01, 2008
"And if Clinton or Edwards wins the DNC nomination, I will DEFINITELY vote Republican in November, regardless of WHO wins the GOP nod."

Well then we both agree, I would vote for Paul over Clinton....but I would be looking for a new job, as I voted.

And if I was making an excuse for Mitt, then I apologize, it was intended to be a dig against his flip flopping.

I've worked closely with CIA and other operational agencies, and to say they need wars to stay involved may be cynical. What fears me is the vacuum sucking sound if we pull out of Iraq. If Paul does get elected, he wouldn’t be allowed to do what he says. His advisors would never let him...too dangerous for US civilians.

on Jan 01, 2008
I would like to see a Biden/Obama or a Biden/Richardson ticket.  
on Jan 01, 2008
Well you might have to wait until 2012

You're a Biden guy huh Col, a Col who agrees with putting a timetable on retreat, ban on assault weapons, plan for turning 12-13M illegals to citizens, health care and welfare boosts....hmmmm. Sounds good to me. I agree with you that Obama cant be president, lack of experience.

Now, I own a couple assault rifles...and I like them. I get to carry one for my job, but I like to have one at home. Why would he want to stop me on that?
on Jan 01, 2008

I don't know who I'm voting for yet.  Not wild about anyone, but I do think Huckabee is better than any of the Dems running.  heh.

However, I don't like his constant colloquialisms.  I swear he sounds like Forest Gump sometimes.  The main reason it bothers me is because it reflects a mind set that can easily put things/people into neat little packages.  And since I was once the trite colloquialism queen, I understand the mind set.

I will never vote for Clinton.  Ever.

Rudy....There is something about the man that makes me think of a weasel.  Even when I read articles about him in which he is portrayed in a positive light, I walk away with the impression of a weasel.  There's just something not right.  Like I heard him say something to the effect that it is not against the law to be an illegal alien.  He said it was a civil offense not a criminal one, and that he should know as he was a lawyer.  He said this when asked about making New York a sanctuary city.

McCaine is ok I guess....but isn't tough enough on illegal aliens and the whole build a wall business.

I am voting in this order of priorities.

The War/Terrorism/Defense.

The Economy.

Illegal Aliens/getting the wall built 


Most everything else is behind these things.


on Jan 01, 2008
Tova, a good website if you haven't seen it yet is Lot of different ways to attack it, but you already have your important issues lined up, should be easy.
on Jan 01, 2008
Haha, Wally, you just gave yourself away. Good job.
on Jan 01, 2008
PS - How are Ethan and Amanda doing?
on Jan 01, 2008
Tova, a good website if you haven't seen it yet is Lot of different ways to attack it, but you already have your important issues lined up, should be easy.

I checked it out and it rated Rudy, Huckabee, and McCain pretty evenly, with Huckabee at the top by 3% and over Rudy and %5 over McCain.

hahahaha. Isn't that funny that those are the 3 candidates I have looked into the most already?

on Jan 01, 2008
Well it looks like you have the tough decision. Better then say, Clinton, Obama and Edwards popping up.

Who are you? And I've had that accusation before, haven’t I, from you? You live in a small world.
on Jan 01, 2008
I live in the same world you do, Wally.
on Jan 02, 2008
You're gonna have to give me a call on this one, Brandie.

Hit me too! I need to know. e-mail me at san DOT chonino AT gmail DOT com.
on Jan 02, 2008
It's KFC's son, isn't it?
on Jan 02, 2008

You may want to add liar to his list.

He said he wasn't going to run a 'negative' campaign and has repeatedly made personal attacks towards Mitt and Mormons.

For me Huckabee was more intriguing as a second tier candidate.


I thought your first part was pretty funny
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