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The Suck!™
Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
This man is an idiot.
or; so I feel.
Published on June 21, 2007 By
US Domestic
Once again, President Bush has vetoed a bill regarding funding for stem cell research, calling the research "unethical".
I've gotten into this before on this site, and I still don't understand President Bush's position. These stem cells are going to be
flushed down the toilet
. Put them to good use.
I already know the reaction I'm going to get from the majority of the people on this site - "why should federal funding go to
research, regardless of how it's funded?"
My answer? Because I said so, dammit.
President Bush, you're tacky and I hate you. (Name the movie reference.)
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Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 26, 2007
So sorry but you are wrong. Adult stem cells and umbilical cord cells do MORE than embryonic stem cells. And BTW...I have noticed that you "still" have not answered my question:
So show me your linked info that says adult stem cells do MORE than embryonic stem cells. The only thing I found that would recommend adult stem cells is that any treatment derived from your own stem cells would not be rejected by the body.
I would like for you to do me a favor. Name just ONE advance in medicine that embryonic stem cell research has produced. Now I can give you the answer in one word, "NONE"! On the the other hand adult stem cell research has produced about 75 such advances.
My whole post number 43 names advances that embryonic stem cell research has produced. My hope is that they will be able to continue their research and be able to cure disease, develop new treatments and medications that will save lives and improve the quality of life for millions. The research is still in it's infancy and I believe that they will continue to make progress in their research. It may take a decade before they can actually develop viable treatment for human conditions but the potential is there.
If they can get the same results using adult stem cells, great. I know that I probably do not know as much about the subject as you do but from my preliminary internet findings that just doesn't seem to be the case.
on Jun 26, 2007
Are you sure that President Bush knows what a stem cell is?
on Jun 26, 2007
So sorry but you are wrong. Adult stem cells and umbilical cord cells do MORE than embryonic stem cells. And BTW...I have noticed that you "still" have not answered my question:
So show me your linked info that says adult stem cells do MORE than embryonic stem cells. The only thing I found that would recommend adult stem cells is that any treatment derived from your own stem cells would not be rejected by the body.
I would like for you to do me a favor. Name just ONE advance in medicine that embryonic stem cell research has produced. Now I can give you the answer in one word, "NONE"! On the the other hand adult stem cell research has produced about 75 such advances.
My whole post number 43 names advances that embryonic stem cell research has produced. My hope is that they will be able to continue their research and be able to cure disease, develop new treatments and medications that will save lives and improve the quality of life for millions. The research is still in it's infancy and I believe that they will continue to make progress in their research. It may take a decade before they can actually develop viable treatment for human conditions but the potential is there.
If they can get the same results using adult stem cells, great. I know that I probably do not know as much about the subject as you do but from my preliminary internet findings that just doesn't seem to be the case.
Used hESC to retore myelin insulation around damaged nerves, returning motion to partially paralyzed rats
BTW...This one is a flat out LIE. "If" it were true they would have cure/treatment for MS and they do NOT. Not even close.
I showed you linked info....IT CAME DIRECTLY FROM YOUR LINK! Now give me a link that shows all your statements in #43 are true. Sorry Loca I'm calling you on this one.
Have human embryonic stem cells been used successfully to treat any human diseases yet
? Scientists have only been able to do experiments with human embryonic stem cells (hESC) since 1998, when a group led by Dr. James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin developed a technique to isolate and grow the cells. Moreover, federal funds to support hESC research have only been available since August 9, 2001, when President Bush announced his decision on federal funding for hESC research. Because many academic researchers rely on federal funds to support their laboratories, they are just beginning to learn how to grow and use the cells. Thus, although hESC are thought to offer potential cures and therapies for many devastating diseases, research using them is still in its early stages.
What will be the best type of stem cell to use for therapy?
Pluripotent stem cells,
while having great therapeutic potential, face formidable technical challenges.
scientists must learn how to control their development into all the different types of cells in the body
. Second, the cells now available for research are likely to be rejected by a patient's immune system. Another serious consideration is that the idea of using stem cells from human embryos or human fetal tissue troubles many people on ethical grounds.
Until recently, there was little evidence that multipotent adult stem cells could change course and provide the flexibility that researchers need in order to address all the medical diseases and disorders they would like to. New findings in animals, however, suggest that even after a stem cell has begun to specialize, it may be more flexible than previously thought
These passages are from "your" linked site. They are not something that I just thought up, nor something that I read on some obscure web page. No, what I have quoted came from the very link you,yourself posted. But what's really funny is that in all my research on the web I can find nothing to back up the claims you have made in reply #43.
If you doubt the veracity of what I have posted, go to you link
WWW Link
and click on Item #7 "Where can I get more information". In the very first paragraph it tells you to look at their FAQ page. "That" is where my info came from.
on Jun 26, 2007
This is where I got the info from in response #43. It was right there in the response. I didn't make it up. And I don't think saying that adult stem cells are more flexible than previously thought makes them better than embryonic stem cells.
I don't understand why you are so angry about this issue, don't you find it hopeful. I do.
Thus, although hESC are thought to offer potential cures and therapies for many devastating diseases, research using them is still in its early stages.
COL Gene
on Jun 26, 2007
Bush would rather fund a war that is KILLING Americans then fund research that could find cures for disease.
Please do not tell me about protecting life. The stem cells from fertilization will be destroyed if they are not used to help fined cures for disease. Bush is a stubborn Idiot!
on Jun 26, 2007
lets hear it for dictator gene never missing a chance to bash bush
Gideon MacLeish
on Jun 26, 2007
The stem cells from fertilization will be destroyed if they are not used to help fined cures for disease.
So why the hell isn't PRIVATE INDUSTRY funding the research?
I do not understand the hypocrisy of demanding an end to corporate welfare yet at the same time SUPPORTING corporate welfare. Because, in the end, that is all government funded stem cell research would be -- corporate welfare!
Island Dog
on Jun 26, 2007
So why the hell isn't PRIVATE INDUSTRY funding the research?
Why should private industry pay for it when it can be done by the government at tax payers expense? And if col has his way, the people that will really be paying for it is successful Americans. The same people who whine about budgets and deficits are the same ones calling for more government money.
on Jun 26, 2007
and higher taxes except on their money
Dr Guy
on Jun 27, 2007
So why the hell isn't PRIVATE INDUSTRY funding the research?
Indeed. If the research is so promising, why are the pharmaceuticals not doing it? There seems to be a disconnect between the rhetoric of those who want the government to pay for everything and anything - regardless of the benefit - and prvate industry that in the end, can only look at the benefit before wasting money.
on Jun 27, 2007
To bring a bit of levity back to the thread (that was supposed to be by-and-large flippant, by the way) . . .
*This is Tom Brokaw, with an NBC News Special Report:
Scientists today released a study that shows that the oldest child usually has the highest IQ.
If that were the case, younger brother Jed Bush wouldn't be able to tie his shoelaces.
This has been an NBC News Special Report.*
on Jun 27, 2007
This is where I got the info from in response #43. It was right there in the response. I didn't make it up. And I don't think saying that adult stem cells are more flexible than previously thought makes them better than embryonic stem cells.
I don't understand why you are so angry about this issue, don't you find it hopeful. I do.
Thus, although hESC are thought to offer potential cures and therapies for many devastating diseases, research using them is still in its early stages.
I'm not angry with you. But a lot of people don't understand that while embryonic cells may hold promise. Key word here being "may". And while these cells "may" hold promise, adult stem cells have done alot more than just to hold out a promise. They've actually done something that can be pointed at and say look what our research has accomplished. All that is being done with the embryonic cells is holding out a hope for the people suffering with the deseases which may or may not happen. If all of the things in reply #43 are true then there should have medical breakthroughs in treatments? They have been working on this for years now with nothing to show for it. I'm sorry if you thought I was angry with you. I'm angry over the whole situation. I apologize to you.
on Jul 04, 2007
this is what will happen if this bill ever becomes law.
the pharmaceutical companies will start paying women to get pregnet so they can abort the baby to use for research purposes that is what the president is talking about. besides he isn't saying the research can't be done he is saying not on the publics dime
That can be legislated out.
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