Priceless Tina Fey impression of Sarah Palin - it's flawless.
Yeah, the Hillary Clinton stuff is really funny, too. But Tina is Palin to a T.
That is brilliant!
Guess I have to wait to get who to see this video. I do find it interesting how making fun of the opposing party candidates seems to be turning into a basic strategy for the Democrats. I mean, Obama seems to be doing a great job at it lately. Oh, you mentioned Hillary there, almsot didn't make it that obvious there dude.
Oh, please. Mud-slinging from both sides is the way of the elections these days. Don't try and say McCain doesn't do it just as much as Obama does. That's just silly! Silly Charles, poo-slinging is for EVERYONE!
Yea, true. We just don't cry about it when done to our side, we laugh with them. Doesn't alway work the other way around.
Too bad, they pulled the video.
I thought it was cute.
Hopefully I can repost it straight from NBC's website. Copyright fascists.
Thanks, SanCho. Hysterical. Tina is dead solid perfect.
Wow, Palin was on SNL?