It's been heartening to see the response on my last Spain post, 'Does anyone even care'. It's made me smile. Really it has.
Thanks to sister Cedarbird, brother BlueDev, ForeverSerenity, DynaMaso, CharlesCS, little-whip, RoyLevosh, uDigItTheMost, InBloom, momijiki, mikeb1954, skybright, Ockham'sRazor, asaxygirl, and everyone else who's trudged through those wordy, fat, ugly posts. I enjoyed posting them, and it was always a pleasure to read the comments.
But I'm tired. Tired of typing my journal entries and posting them to my blog. I'm tired of blogging all together for a while.
But I can't think of a better way to wrap up my posts about Spain than with that last one, about my love for the Mediterranean. I still write in my journal, but I just don't feel any desire to type them up and post them here.
I just don't.
Maybe it's that 'shark-jumping' Roy was talking about on his blog.
At any rate, I'm grateful you all made the journey with me, but for JU, my Spain journey is over. I'll still comment and come see y'alls articles, but I don't know if I'll post anything for a while. And when I do, I've got a whole mile of CD reviews I need to post before I write anything else.
So thanks, guys. Thanks for the patronage and the encouragement. Thanks for being my friends. Thanks for caring about my articles when I thought no-one did.