Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
Published on June 16, 2008 By SanChonino In Internet

So, fine JoeUsers and/or WinCustomize users, how does the day find you?  It finds me quite well.  I'm done with my tests, just relaxing today before embarking on weeks of adventure-filled travels, and I've gotten pretty okay grades so far (hey, no fails like Pervy, so I'm good).  But when I'm just relaxing that means I inevitably play around on teh intarwebz a bit.

So I'm poking around and stumble onto the Impulse website.  Now, I'm sure most of you, my fine JU/WC friends, couldn't care less about the fact that your Stardock sign-in also gives you a blog over there to do with as you please, with the same name as your current JU blog or WC page, same links in the sidebar, and even some of your posts cross-posted over there.  Now, not all of them, and a lot of the more bloggy or customization ones don't show up there, but quite a few of the same categories are found on both sites.

There are, however, a few reasons why the Impulse site is cooler (and why I'll try to post most of my articles in categories that will facilitate a cross-post between my two pages now).

1.  It's pretty.  The color scheme is much nicer than the JU pages.  Don't get me wrong, I've gotten used to the poo-brown of JU2, but I've never really liked it.  (Of course, I didn't care for the garish yellow of JU1 either, but I digress.  Why have they both been waste-product colored?  Probably because our content warrants it.)  However, just check out that pretty charcoal, gray and green.  Nice.

2.  The layout of the front page is a bit more intuitive than JU, and I like the placement of stuff better.  There's not as many 'featured articles' where snippets are displayed, but it's got a more complete list of past featured articles.

3.  I think the potentially coolest feature is the 'friends' page.  You can send out requests to befriend other users (much like 'friends' lists on social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook) and build a net of colleagues, friends, and other cohorts.  Now, currently, not many people are using the Impulse site so my friends list is mostly confined to Stardock employees because no-one else is around to add, but I can see the eventual benefits of the friends list as the Impulse community grows.  It has a lot of the benefits of the social networking sites (such as updates of your friends' behavior and such), but still has the pretend veil of anonymity that we like to pretend exists on JU and WC because it's still not your actual name and picture plastered on there (unless you wanted it to be, but I guess that's your thing).

At any rate, I'm sure I'll post other thoughts on the Impulse site as I continue to play around with it and get to know the new features - especially with the official launch of the Impulse program.  But seriously, JoeUsers and WinCustomizers, you might as well come check it out - add me as a friend, I probably won't say no. 

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 16, 2008
I've been feeling Impulsive lately...

In public no less!       
on Jun 16, 2008
This article magically posted on JU, WinCustomize, and the Impulse site simultaneously.

I almost feel like a spammer.
on Jun 16, 2008
I mainly stick to using the WC forums myself and don't use JU at all but I would have to agree that I like the look of the Impulse sites better than either one. Unfortunately I'm not a gamer and therefore don't like to sift through all the recent posts in order to find things that crossed over from WC. But regardless ... kudos to those who created
on Jun 16, 2008

You're right, I could NOT care less.

Though maybe you could. 

on Jun 16, 2008

Wow!  I'm not sure if the admins mentioned this (Zoomba) before because I missed it!  But wow!  Me likey!  You're right, the layout is great, much more precise and colorful!  So you mean I can go on here and blog too?  Wheeeee....I'll try to keep up when I have time to explore!  Thx for rubbing my nose on Impulse!

on Jun 16, 2008

I see that they use mostly the fun articles (to me anyway) and leave the emotional, ranting ones (to me anyway) on JU...LOL!  Fine with me!  I like that idea actually. 

on Jun 16, 2008

Meh, you know how I feel.  I still don't "get" the point of Impulse.  I don't see it serving any unique purpose.  Everything it does I can already do, just as fast, and just as easily.  At least as far as I can tell at this point.

on Jun 17, 2008
I've been feeling Impulsive lately...

In public no less!

Now that wouldn't be legal, would it???

More to the point, how does your lady feel about you feeling impulsive... hope she's not the jealous type.
on Jun 17, 2008
More to the point, how does your lady feel about you feeling impulsive... hope she's not the jealous type.

*snickers* What lady?

on Jun 17, 2008
*snickers* What lady?

What? You mean to say SanChonino doesn't have a lady???? Nobody should be alone/on their own...

... I just hope he has a blow up doll, then... to fill the void when he takes his tandem bicycle out for a ride.
on Jun 18, 2008

What? You mean to say SanChonino doesn't have a lady????

Only because she left in an emergency for Mexico.  So no, currently single.

But hey - at least I don't have weird people telling me they love me after what, three dates, Cedarbird? 

on Jun 18, 2008
Only because she left in an emergency for Mexico. So no, currently single.

Well best you get that blow-up doll, then... apart from not looking silly on a tandem bicycle all on yer lonesome, you don't want all then gorgeous gals thinking you're an eligible bachelor, now do ya!
on Jun 18, 2008
Well best you get that blow-up doll, then... apart from not looking silly on a tandem bicycle all on yer lonesome, you don't want all then gorgeous gals thinking you're an eligible bachelor, now do ya!

SanChonino thinks of 'Lars and the Real Girl' with fond horror. Fondness because it was a great movie; horror at the thought of doing the same.
on Jun 18, 2008
SanChonino thinks of 'Lars and the Real Girl' with fond horror. Fondness because it was a great movie; horror at the thought of doing the same.

That was a good movie
on Jun 18, 2008
But hey - at least I don't have weird people telling me they love me after what, three dates, Cedarbird?

Shut up!!!!!

Two dates.

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