It's been a long time since I've shat out an article of randumb thoughts. Maybe it's about time. (Maybe I'm just delaying typing the next journal entry, because I'm lazy. But then, I'm typing this, so I don't know how accurate that portrayal would be.)
Emmy Rossum, please make a new movie. You're amazingly delicious to look upon, and it's been too long since Phantom of the Opera. I know you were in that Poseidon movie, but it looked dumb, so I haven't seen it.
But I'd love to see you, babeh.
Finally saw V for Vendetta. It was pretty okay, but not nearly as good as the source material. They tried far too hard to make V some big hero, rather than a morally ambiguous anarchist, like he was supposed to be.
Hugo Weaving was good, though, even though you never saw his ugly mug.
Today is my last day of classes. (It was supposed to be Friday, but my Monday-Tuesday teacher felt that we needed 'one more day' to talk about stuff. Maybe if we actually had the classes we were supposed to have on Wednesdays the entire semester, we wouldn't need 'make-up' day.)
Then I get to write big papers (one of which is especially nasty - I have to take this two-page excerpt from a Latin American author and pick it apart for Americanisms. You see, there is quite a difference between Continental Spanish and Peninsular Spanish. The tough part is . . . guess where I learned my Spanish?
Yeah . . . not gonna be easy.
Combing my beard is fun.
During a discussion with BlueDev yesterday, we decided that there is something clinically wrong with my head. I asked him what he was reading for fun, and he rattled off some interesting sounding pleasure reading.
I explained that I just can't get back into sci-fi or fantasy literature. He asked me what I read for fun.
I answered, 'Um, Del sentimiento trágico de la vida (The Tragic Sense of Life) . . . and Martes de carnaval (Tuesday of Carnival).'
I'm broken, I guess when it comes to pleasure reading. Who else reads a play and a book of philosophy (that was, incidentally, banned by the Catholic Church for years and years) in their spare time?
Silly Catholics, making banned reading lists. Even more retarded than me reading stuff like that for fun. I wonder what else I've read that the Catholics (bum-bum-BUMMMMM) don't want me to read.
Henri Bergson! He's on the list of banned books by the Catholic Church! Read him.
Gustave Flaubert! I've read Madame Bovary, and that's on the list!
Victor Hugo! Both Les Miserables and Notre-Dame de Paris are on the list. Read them both! (Les Miserables is on the list? What were these guys smoking? Pole?)
John Locke's 'Reasonableness of Christianity'?
John Milton's Paradise Lost?
Oooh, More Unamuno - San Manuel Bueno, mártir and La agonía del cristianismo are also on the list! (And on the 'San Chonino has read it' list!)
Bored now. You get the idea. Those crazy kids, trying to ban everything. Makes me want to read more of what they banned - you know, get some actual intellectual thought going as opposed to mindless parroting in the name of . . . I don't know . . . certainly not the Big Guy Upstairs since he prefers that we reason for ourselves.
Leaving the realm of religion, and back to 'lasciviousness'!
You know who's gorgeous? Alexis Bledel. I miss you, Rory. Be in something new. Can't be in Sin City 2 because your character is dead. Sorry.
The rain won't stop! It was drizzling all day yesterday. Not that I had anything to do, but still . . .
Off to class. Boo. But I'll be back, hot Emmy Rossum desktop background. Keep looking beautiful.