Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.

Yeah, man.  Rant on.


18 Apr 2008.  11:42am.

As much as I missed my Mediterranean, I'll tell you what I didn't miss -

Pervy McPervington.

Perhaps my repeated use of this nickname for him is childish and rude, but it fits him on both levels so well:

  1. He's childish and rude, so turnabout is the fairest kind of play; and
  2. He's a total, one-hundred-per-cent pervert.

After a week away from him, I started to rationalize away the odious feelings I have for him.  I thought, maybe I'm just seeing him as annoying.  Perhaps he's okay after all.

How wrong can a person be?

Is it like a scale from one to one hundred?  Is it a semicircle of 180 degrees from 'right' to 'wrong'?

Or is it like an exponentially increasing integer that always approaches infinity?

I think it's the last one, and that's about how wrong I was.

He's as annoying as he ever was, and then some.  As I'm trying to sleep after my restless journey back from Madrid, for example, what does he start listening to at full blast?


Now that's a murder-able offense in and of itself, but I was so tired.  So very, very tired.

That, and he says stuff in annoying, high voices for no reason.  He'll be sitting on his bed playing a pirated game on his computer and I'll hear him bellow out 'Propera parada!'  Or every night as I get ready for bed, he whines, 'Bedtime for Braeden . . .'

Guess what?  I know it's bedtime.  I'm the one who's putting on my pajamas, idiot.

It just makes me leave a lot more than I used to.  I roam the streets like a phantom.

Don't even get me going on the whole staying up until 4:30am watching the Jazz game streaming over the Internet, cackling like an old hag.


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 10, 2008

Woah, Rick Astley? That ain't so bad. It could be dropping a nuke.

Seriously, though, I don't think there's anything as bad as Rick Astley.

on May 11, 2008
Seriously, though, I don't think there's anything as bad as Rick Astley.

You could start a band.

a good match with my Slutsky McSlutskerton

If he can't use her, I've got nothing better going on.

You had me at "slut."

on May 11, 2008
I think exchange programs breed people like Mr McPervington. There were a couple in my exchange as well. I've always thought they were like coathangers, with secret ways in the back of the cupboard, only in this case their mysterious propagation takes place in the seat behind you on the plane.
on May 11, 2008

only in this case their mysterious propagation takes place in the seat behind you on the plane.


Ugh...perish the thoughts!


If he can't use her, I've got nothing better going on. You had me at "slut."


LOL!  Oh're killing me....hahahaha....


Even better than killing him Braeden, laxatives are good friends at times like these!...Of course...I hope the toilet is not close to or in the dorm...?

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