Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
or; Aquí en mis brazos.
Published on February 11, 2007 By SanChonino In Poetry
Maravillo en la arquitectura de tu cuello;
el color rojizo de tus mejillas;
la linea fina de tu mandíbula.
Asombro me dan tus ojos;
me penetran como dardos en el torbellino,
me cortan,
me hacen sangrar.
Te quiero aquí en mis brazos,
para amarte,
para mostrarte que te quiero.
(en mis brazos)
Tus manos, como telarañas, me captan;
tus muslos me fascinan;
tus pies, aunque a veces apestan, son perfectos;
dedos largos, uñas pintadas.
Me ofreces todo -
y todo lo tomo.
Hace años que construí murallas;
por ti, las arrebato.
Te quiero aquí en mis brazos,
para amarte,
para mostrarte que te quiero.
En mis brazos.


(The usual necessary disclaimer: This poem was originally written in Spanish. What follows is a poor translation of this poem.)

I marvel at the architecture of your neck;
the ruddy color of your cheeks;
the fine line of your jaw.
Your eyes make me wonder;
they penetrate me like shafts in the whirlwind,
they cut me,
they make me bleed.
I want you here in my arms,
to love you,
to show you that I want you.
(in my arms)
Your hands, like spiderwebs, capture me;
your thighs fascinate me;
your feet, though they sometimes stink, are perfect;
long toes, painted nails.
You offer me everything -
and I take it all.
Years ago, I built these walls;
for you, I tear them down.
i want you here in my arms,
to love you,
to show you that I want you.
In my arms.

on Feb 11, 2007
intimate...sensuous...and passionate

it awakens some old feelings, memories that I thought I'd forgotten
on Feb 12, 2007
it awakens some old feelings, memories that I thought I'd forgotten

Glad you liked it, doc.
on Feb 12, 2007
I kinda wish I could read and understand Spanish as I'm sure the cadence of the language would lend itself very well to your pieces. Having said that, I still very much enjoyed the English translation.
on Feb 12, 2007
I kinda wish I could read and understand Spanish as I'm sure the cadence of the language would lend itself very well to your pieces.

I wish I could find a site that would let me post sound bites, I could record myself reading it and y'all could hear it the way it's supposed to be.
on Feb 12, 2007
Me no savvy the Espanol, so thanks for the interpretation.

(which I find to be excellent in and of itself!)
on Feb 13, 2007
which I find to be excellent in and of itself!

Thanks. Glad you liked it.