or; a bus! A bus! My kingdom for a bus!
(Apologies beforehand, this will be a bit of a rant)
Two problems I've got with UTA and my school right now. I was walking up to the bus stop on Tuesday and the ungodly hour of five-forty-five, and as I walked up the street, I saw the bus pass! This was uncharacteristic; I usually make it to the stop with plenty of time to mat down my mane of hair, pick my nose, etc. before the bus arrives.
Later that day, I was discussing what had happened with a fellow bus-riding compatriate, who told me that I was not late - that the bus schedule had been moved up by about ten minutes.
And why? Heaven only knows. But - this is happening two weeks before the end of the semester, and now the busses are leaving campus earlier than before, making it impossible to catch the earlier busses, forcing many of us to wait around for an hour for the next bus.
This is a super annoyance - why they couldn't wait two more weeks until school was out to change it is beyond me, but oh well.
This I could deal with - if only that was all. I enjoy the money I save by riding the bus to school way too much to really complain too loudly,
But, that brings up the second half of my problems.
Here in Utah, all public universities have supplied upon request of the student an educational bus pass, thus enabling us poor schmucks to get to school for free. Granted, it's not really free, because a lot of our student fees go to fund these passes, but it sure has been a blessing.
However, starting next year, and only at my "prestigious" university (all others remain unchanged) this Ed-pass will not be offered. If we want bus passes, we will have to pay sixty bucks a month like everyone else.
Now, it that's not enough, you would think with this loss of pass that student fees would decrease. However, the opposite is what is actually occuring, with student fees going up and student benefits taking another plunge.
Thankfully, I'm a Tuesday-Thursday student (this allows me to work almost full-time at the Garden Center during the school year), so I'll just pay my buck fifty twice a day and not buy a pass.
But that's twenty four bucks a month.
And I think that kinda sucks.