Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
or; the proof is in the pudding.
Published on November 7, 2007 By SanChonino In Religion
I read this article today in the Deseret Morning News, and I thought you'd find it interesting: Abstinence education not working, study finds

WASHINGTON — Programs that focus exclusively on abstinence have not been shown to affect teenager sexual behavior, although they are eligible for tens of millions of dollars in federal grants, according to a study released by a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce teen pregnancies.

"At present there does not exist any strong evidence that any abstinence program delays the initiation of sex, hastens the return to abstinence or reduces the number of sexual partners" among teenagers, the study concluded.

Very interesting. I seem to hear the opposite quite often, especially from some of the members of this site.

Let's read some more of the story:

The study found that while abstinence-only efforts appear to have little positive impact, more comprehensive sex education programs were having "positive outcomes" including teenagers "delaying the initiation of sex, reducing the frequency of sex, reducing the number of sexual partners and increasing condom or contraceptive use."

The study, conducted by Douglas Kirby, a senior research scientist at ETR Associates, also sought to debunk what the report called "myths propagated by abstinence-only advocates" including: that comprehensive sex education promotes promiscuity, hastens the initiation of sex or increases its frequency, and sends a confusing message to adolescents.

None of these was found to be accurate, Kirby wrote.

Instead, he wrote, such programs improved teens' knowledge about the risks and consequences of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and gave them greater "confidence in their ability to say 'no' to unwanted sex."

So there.

Now, I already know the angle the "abstinence only" people will take - this study was conducted by a group of researchers working for a company that has created some of the 48 programs reviewed, so you'll say it was skewed in favor of the more comprehensive studies. But if anything, it's the exact opposite - this isn't people trying to prove how good their own stuff is as much as trying to decide in what direction they need to take their own product. I'm sure that if they found that abstinence only programs worked as well or better than the comprehensive ones, that they'd be industriously creating their own abstinence only programs to market.

So suck on that, people. Turns out the more you know about sex, the better you can make the best decisions about it - despite what some religious zealots would have you believe.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 07, 2007
Stupid hippos. Dishonorable!
on Nov 07, 2007
Yes, conservatives seem afraid to face the fact that teenagers will have sex, but too many liberals are afraid their might be a teenager out there that isn't.

Aslong as abstinance is treated as a joke, of course it isn't going to work.
on Nov 07, 2007
Stupid hippos. Dishonorable!

Indeed...I believe one might call them hypocrites.

I need to proofread before I click the button.

on Nov 07, 2007
Also, rebelling against the world's way of things by staying abstinent is still a rebellion to them, against their peers. So it's fun!

Nowadays, it's called being counter-cultural...and you're way fun.

Church-goers are nerdy to begin with!

They were called 'squares' in my day...

on Nov 07, 2007
Yes, conservatives seem afraid to face the fact that teenagers will have sex, but too many liberals are afraid their might be a teenager out there that isn't.

I think you make a good point, because frankly, either extreme does no-one any good. That's why programs like these, that encourage abstinence without turning a blind eye to the fact that the sex is going to be had and safe sex must be taught, are important.
on Nov 07, 2007
That's why programs like these, that encourage abstinence without turning a blind eye to the fact that the sex is going to be had and safe sex must be taught, are important.

I have to agree with you there (completely against my will though, ;~D).

The thing is, we spend millions on campaigns against every other destructive behavior done by teens, but when it comes to sex (among teens is very destructive behavior), we are supposed to just accept that they are going to do it. Not only are we supposed to just shrug it off, but then, we are also expected (as a society) to do all we can to remove the natural and social consequences of the destructive behavior. Teen pregnancy and STDs are just looked at as the result of failed "protection", not the result of high risk behavior in the first place.
on Nov 07, 2007

I am not thinking it is education that gives one a better perspective on what decisions they should make with regard to sex before marriage, but a better perspective on what God says and why He says it. He is the one who created sex between a man and a woman and that under the umbrella of marriage. I would think that an individual who can tap into the reasoning behind such a divine perspective shall find the complete purpose of ones purpose, including their sexuality.

Why does the rest of creation not practice homosexuality? Who and how was it educated?


on Nov 07, 2007
Why does the rest of creation not practice homosexuality?

Have you never seen the homosexual activity of, let's say, dogs? IT'S GUY ON GUY ALL THE TIME, BABEE!!!! Or, you know, there's those birds that live together, female-on-female, no male to be seen.

Maybe you should educate yourself a bit more about the behavior of animals before you make silly statements like these.
on Nov 08, 2007
Yeah, Hamartano, as much as I'd like to side with you, you kind of screwed the pooch on this one. Them thar animals are sniffin' the butts of their brothers (and more) a whole lot out there.
on Nov 08, 2007
you kind of screwed the pooch on this one

i'm howlin ted. wayyy tooo funnnnny!
on Nov 08, 2007
Have you never seen the homosexual activity of, let's say, dogs? IT'S GUY ON GUY ALL THE TIME, BABEE!!!! Or, you know, there's those birds that live together, female-on-female, no male to be seen.

Maybe you should educate yourself a bit more about the behavior of animals before you make silly statements like these.

Hamartano makes a good point.

It goes directly to the difference between animals and humans. The animal world operates on pure instinct, while human beings operate on free will choice, intellect, and reason.

As long as the government is amorally educating for sex kindergarten through 12 grade age kids, we are going to end up with kids quite willing to sexually experiment with their bodies treating their sexual capacity not quite mechanically.

Government contraceptive/condom pushing sex-Ed says, kids, psstt, stay abstinent, BUT when you think you're ready, get to the nearest Planned Parenthood health clinic, pick a partner and "safely" do it.

on Nov 08, 2007
WASHINGTON — Programs that focus exclusively on abstinence have not been shown to affect teenager sexual behavior, although they are eligible for tens of millions of dollars in federal grants, according to a study released by a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce teen pregnancies.

Abstinence-only plans are wishful thinking. They do NOT work.

I disagree. We do have positive results on the effectiveness of Abstinence Education Curricula Research: It’s working!

Peer-reviewed journals find:

Increased abstinence accounted for 67% of the birthrate drop among singles.16

Fifty-three percent of the decline in the teen pregnancy rate is due to decreased sexual experience.17

Men and women who were virgins until at least age 18, when evaluated approximately 20 years later, had about half the risk of divorce and had completed about an additional year of education compared to their counterparts who had early sexual experience.18

16--- J.K. Mohn. LR. Tingle, R. Finger, “An Analysis of the Causes of the Decline in Non-Marital Birth and Pregnancy Rates for Teens from 1991 to 1995,” Adolescent and Family Health, vol. 3 (2003): 39-46.

17---- J.S. Santelli, J. Abma, S. Ventura, “Can Changes in Sexual Behaviors among High School Students Explain the Decline in Teen Pregnancy Rates in the 1990s?” Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 35(2004): 80-90.

18---- R. Finger, T. Thelen, J. Vessey, J. Mohn, J.Mann, “Association of Virginity at Age 18 with Educational, Economic, Social, and Health Outcomes in Middle Adulthood,” Adolescent and Family Health, vol. 3 (2005):164-170.
on Nov 08, 2007
It goes directly to the difference between animals and humans. The animal world operates on pure instinct, while human beings operate on free will choice, intellect, and reason.

That wasn't the point he made, lula. The point he made was that homosexuality was not evident in any other species, which is certifiably false.

It may be instinct for them - could it not be instinct, then, that causes homosexual tendencies in humans too?
on Nov 08, 2007
Actually homosexual behavior isn't istinctual for animals or people. For a behavior to be an instict all specimens of a species has to exhibit it. Sneezing, sucking, blinking.. etc. Since all humans don't exhibit homosexual behavior, it can't be instinctual.
on Nov 08, 2007
Since all humans don't exhibit homosexual behavior, it can't be instinctual.

Tell that to the guy watching you shower at the gym . . .
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