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What's your guilty pleasure TV show?
or; inspired by SHE's GA questions . . .
Published on March 22, 2007 By
Movies & TV & Books
I sat reading SHE's article once again this morning, (you can read it
) and I thought of another question that would be a good one. I was going to write it on her article, but then I thought, "I'd like to see what people say about it."
So my question is this . . . what's your "guilty pleasure" TV show?
I know you've got to have one. Some soap opera like "Passions"? Some reality show like "Top Model"? Some silly crime show like "CSI" or one of its myriad clones?
Fess up, it'll be fun.
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on Mar 22, 2007
Oh, I suppose I should answer my own question. My guilty pleasure show that I used to hide from people is "Gilmore Girls". I love the witty banter, the dozens of pop culture/classic literature/indie/underground references (half the fun of watching the show is trying to explain to others the random references), the interesting interpersonal relationships. And let's be honest - both Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel are gorgeous.
on Mar 22, 2007
I love Gilmore Girls too but I don't consider it a guilty pleasure. I think this is going to be the last season in Star's Hollow. I'm hoping Luke and Lorelei get back together at the end.
My guilty pleasure TV - there are so many -
the real housewives of orange county - even more embarrassing, I read their blogs
the cheezy VH1 shows - surreal life, I love the 80's, and the list shows - most unmetal moments, worst songs ever, one hit wonders,
Chaos Manager
on Mar 22, 2007
Mine? I'm a geek... Not that I hide *that* fact or anything. I enjoy shows like the Dresden Files (Sci Fi), the CSI clones (and the original, too). Law & Order, even if it's been on for a bajillion years still has a spot on the TiVo listing.
Now, my wifes? She'll never admit it, but the Surreal life series and the View. And she wonders why I put iTunes on and and bury my head in the headphones when she starts watching the recorded episodes. I can take Joy Behar and Rosie O'Donnel in SMALL doses. But not 5 hours in a row (she saves all the weeks episodes and watches them all at once on a Friday evening). Ouch.
Dr Guy
on Mar 22, 2007
Jerry Springer - but I rarely see it. I really like it when the guests start throwing chairs and ripping clothes!
Sugar High Elf
on Mar 22, 2007
San and Loca, you both made me so happy. I LOVE Gilmore Girls!!! My old roommate got me hooked a few years back. We would watch it every day on ABC Family, and watch the new episodes. But, since I'm a girl, I don't feel as though it has to be a guilty pleasure.
My guilty pleasure shows are: One Tree Hill -- I got caught up in the story line, and now I just have to know what happens. Law & Order: SVU -- It's the only crime show I watch, but I watch it all the time. Star Trek: Voyager & DS9 -- I watch TNG all the time as well, but that one is not a guilty pleasure. The other two are so cheesy, but I can't help myself. I love watching them. Maury -- If I'm flipping through channels and it is on, I get sucked in. I never mean to watch it, but I'll watch it anyway. And last and probably dumbest, America's Next Top Model -- this show is so stupid, but it comes on before One Tree Hill, so I get sucked in every season. Basically, Wednesdays are guilty pleasure nights for me.
on Mar 22, 2007
I think this is going to be the last season in Star's Hollow. I'm hoping Luke and Lorelei get back together at the end.
I dunno, I'm hoping for one more season, minus Alexis Bledel. My theory - she'll break up with dickface (er, I mean, Logan
) and take a job as a foreign correspondent in Uzbekistan or somewhere really oddball like that. Richard is going to die, which will drive Emily and Lorelai closer together (thus maintaining the "Gilmore Girls" that the title signifies, just focusing on Emily and Lorelai instead of Lorelai and Rory), and Richard's death will also drive Lorelai back to Luke, who's always there when she needs someone. This all setting it up for a great (and final) season 8 that ends with the Luke/Lorelai wedding.
Like I said, it's my guilty pleasure.
on Mar 22, 2007
My wife and son watch "Lost" religiously. I fail to see the attraction--it is crap. They also watch "Survivor" which is puerile --adults playing kids games. As you may have guessed I don't watch any soaps at all.
on Mar 22, 2007
With millions of viewers fleeing the coop, my guilty pleasure is LOST. These days, I get looks of incredulousness when I admit to still watching.
Back in the day, I loved Sliders and Earth 2, and Party of 5.
on Mar 22, 2007
Hmm...well, I'd have to say anime of all sorts(including the subtitled stuff) is kind of my guilty pleasure when it comes to shows. I've never really kept it hidden or anything...but you usually don't bring it up in conversation unless you're in the company of fellow nerds. Anywho, Youtube keeps me with a steady supply.
on Mar 22, 2007
Buffy the Vampire Slayer....I find myself rolling my eyes through most of it, if not laughing hysterically....and its is a pretty stupid time waster...but I like it. (I have all 7 seasons on disk, so no waiting for a new season and no commercials!)
on Mar 22, 2007
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I don't even consider this my guilty pleasure, just my pleasure.
Sugar High Elf
on Mar 22, 2007
I loved Buffy, and wouldn't think of it as a guilty pleasure. Angel on the other hand... I liked it, but would never admit to watching it. I mean, come on, Vampires are not supposed to age, but I feel a sense of shock when I see Angel from first season Buffy to last season Angel -- creepy. James Marsters seems never to age, however, which leads me to believe that he is, in fact, a vampire.
I used to watch Touched by an Angel and 7th Heaven. Both became too cheesy for me eventually, but I watched far longer than I care to admit.
on Mar 22, 2007
I feel a sense of shock when I see Angel from first season Buffy to last season Angel
I know what you mean. I was watching through the seasons of Angel after finishing watching Buffy again (I own them both on DVD) and I had forgotten . . . until I put in disc one of Buff again. Craz-ee.
on Mar 22, 2007
"Ugly Betty" and "House" both because of the characters in them that are rude and misbehavin'
on Mar 22, 2007
David Boreanaz still rocks! Sorry you guys but he's still cute to me..have you seen Bones?! Good show!
Gilmore girls, on my DVR just in case I miss it! Lorelei and Luke have to get back together. I disliked Christopher so much, while he and Lorelei were together I didn't watch!lol!
My guilty pleasure....if you can call it pleasure....all I do is laugh hysterically and look on in shock, like a car reck or something.....I Love New York on VH1 I know...I can't believe I watch it too!
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