Self-deprecation is worth its weight in smoldering phoenix-ashes and baby unicorn tears.
or; shameless, pointless comments and the saints who love them
Published on November 1, 2006 By SanChonino In Blogging
I've been here at JU for almost a year now, but I didn't really start getting active until this last February. Of course, as many of you know, I go through spurts here, sometimes being very active, sometimes being really lazy. Sometimes I don't like to get involved with different things going on here, and other times I really do.

But if there's one thing that I'm always a fan of, without fail, it's hijacking a thread. There's nothing better than having a conversation with someone about nothing related on someone else's thread. I do it all the time, without realizing it, because I usually like to make jokes rather than serious comments. It's a lot more enjoyable being a jokester rather than seriously inclined.

It's even worse when I find like-minded individuals. Sometimes I just like to keep a thread going, hijacked to high heaven, just 'cuz it's fun. It's easier than actually sitting down and writing an email to these people, and I don't know the address of many of my hijacking partners . . . consequently, I just go ahead and keep on hijackin'.

Now, does it bother me when this happens on my own threads? Couldn't care less. Because, as Granny always used to say, “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.” So, I hijack shamelessly – and anyone's free to hijack mine.

For example, look at Xythe's thread about unfair scoring on JU. After about respone 20, it's been pure hijacked crap. Now whip and I are talking about hobbit feet. And it's still the scoring thread. And I don't even feel bad.

Now, some of you may not feel the way I do. Please, if you hate my hijacking, go ahead and tell me. Call me bad names. If you are a like-minded individual, band together with me in the hijacking of threads.

Come on, y'all know it's just more fun.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 02, 2006
Hey, speaking of muffins, Toni has been cooking up a batch of her famous brownies. Would anyone like to try some?

Jacks High is better than hijacks, but I'd prefer pocket Aces.
on Nov 02, 2006

hehehe, cute word!

That being said...Say no to illegal immigration! Say yes to the fence! It you hate gay sex, let them marry and they wont get any anymore! Free all rappers imprisoned by the white man, kill all the freakin trees just to shut them tree-huggers up, and ignore alien orders!

ignore them.


Hey, speaking of muffins, Toni has been cooking up a batch of her famous brownies. Would anyone like to try some?

Yum! Muffins and Brownies tasting - do we get milk with those Feisty and Maso? Heyyyy, San Cho is eating up all the muffins! [slap Braeden's hand]

Confucious say: "Man who has hole in front pocket feel cocky all day!"


on Nov 02, 2006
Hey, speaking of muffins, Toni has been cooking up a batch of her famous brownies. Would anyone like to try some?

Do these brownies have any . . . added . . . ingredients?

Muffins and Brownies tasting - do we get milk with those Feisty and Maso? Heyyyy, San Cho is eating up all the muffins! [slap Braeden's hand]

You have to bring your own milk . . . it's not supplied. And, by the way, it's my thread, I can eat all the muffins I want . . .
on Nov 02, 2006
And, by the way, it's my thread, I can eat all the muffins I want . . .

    That you can, just don't get a belly ache!  
on Nov 02, 2006
That you can, just don't get a belly ache!

But the belly ache is the most satisfying part.

It's like on Thanksgiving, when you've just finished your second plate, the dishes are washed, and you're waiting on the Christmas pudding to warm up, and you just sit back on the couch, in pure lethargic gluttony, and enjoy the moment.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I could really go for some candied yams right now . . .
on Nov 03, 2006
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I could really go for some candied yams right now . . .

Ugh, I can't stand those. Give me cranberries, some turkey, and a baked potato.

Mmmm, that sounds really good right now.

on Nov 03, 2006
Ugh, I can't stand those.

That's 'cuz you ain't neva had Mama Jones' candied yams.

*drops annoyingly bad southern accent*

Seriously, though, life changing. The only reason Thanksgiving is celebrated in the Jones household. The rest is just periphery nonsense. It's like all the furniture in the house that you don't really need, and don't really use, but can't part with. The yams are essential, like the bed or the shower curtain.

Speaking of furniture, I sure wish that it didn't take so long to move, and that my father wasn't so paranoid about people banging up the walls in the new house. He wants to move every piece of everything ALL BY OURSELVES. That way, we can be sure not to bugger up the walls. What a hassle.
on Nov 03, 2006
---sometimes being really lazy---
---It's a lot more enjoyable being a jokester rather than seriously inclined.---

Wow, two more things I have in common with you. Along with liking music, "Arrested Development", and dressing up in a girl scout uniform for Halloween.
on Nov 03, 2006
Wow, two more things I have in common with you. Along with liking music, "Arrested Development", and dressing up in a girl scout uniform for Halloween.

I knew it. We're long-lost separated soul brothers . . .
on Nov 03, 2006
How about posts that don't just hijack but promote their own blog.

WWW Link

The NERVE of some people!  
on Nov 03, 2006
The NERVE of some people!

I can't believe anyone would be so shameless! It's just reprehensible! It's simply bad taste!

on Nov 03, 2006
One time me and a friend were walking down the street, and we looked over and saw these kids runnign through the sprinkler. Now this would be a normal thing for kids to do, but this was in Wisconsin.. in December. Being 10 below zero, they were all bundled up, and no water was actually coming out of the sprinker, but there they were, laughing and running. When they got to where the water would have been, they shrieked out and shook their heads as if to shake the water from their hair.

Then one of them looked over at us and the 37 year old started to climb back down the mountain, complaining that he had caught a cramp and couldn't keep going. So Sylvia and I laughed at him for being such a wimp.

The boat we were sailing on was a 30 foot, single hull with a beautiful red, white and blue mainsail. The jib was sort of a teal color that didn't quite go with the rest of the boat, so I figured it must have been replaced after some sort of accident.

The accident scene was pretty rough. Low visibility and black ice led to a 10 car pileup... well, 10 cars and one of those shiney milk trucks. The milk was everywhere, already rotting in the 110 degree heat. What a stench! The fire department had their hoses out, trying to wash it all down the drainage ditches, but the bodies of the people from the cars got in the way.

The fire department had to clear out the bodies from the apartment building they were called to, 4 stories, 16 units, and no a survivor to be found. Whoever set this one really did it up right. The bars on the windows made them useles as an escape and a wrought iron gates were propped up against the only two exist. Some people worked awful hard to get those into position.

Most the people made it to the gates but they were lodged into position too tightly for anyone to be able to move them...


Is that enough hijacking for one day? or should I go on? ;~D
on Nov 03, 2006
Is that enough hijacking for one day? or should I go on? ;~D

You can't stop in the middle of the story, you heartless man! How DARE you!
on Nov 07, 2006
Do these brownies have any . . . added . . . ingredients

I knows not what you mean (Maso attempts to look innocent and fails miserably)

dressing up in a girl scout uniform for Halloween

For Halloween? Oops, no wonder I got some funny looks in the Mall the other day...
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