or; why the capitals? Why oh why?!?!?!?
Just a thought.
I have a site over on myspace (okay, so you could call me a blogging whore, I have a blog here - by far my favorite, because of the sense of community that you get at JU - I have two blogs at blogger, an MSN space, and another account at myspace. Why? Because different people I know use different ones. I sure get annoyed by myspace, but all my compatriots from work blog there - thus, they make me, too, if I want to be in the loop.
But here's my gripe - why the lowercase-capital alternation? YoU'lL sEe EnTiRe BlOgS wRiTtEn LiKe ThIs . . . and my question is - why? Do any of y'all have any idea how long it took me to write that stupid sentence? A long time.
What is the allure of writing like an imbecile, making your blog almost unintelligible (as if their thoughts were cogent in the first place) and unreadable?
CoUnT mE oUt oF tHiS sTuPiD cRaZe! ARRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!